Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Media/Design/Artist?

This whole idea of media arts/new media/design is a really eye opening experience for me. I have countless conversations with myself on a daily basis just asking myself where I fit in all of this. It makes me wonder what the DESIGN of my life is. How do I design my life? What are the rules? What will I accomplish? What will I end up doing? I mean I know we all have an idea of the career field's that we want to get into but what about success? How do you design a life of success? Is there a method or do you just chop away and hope the tree falls? I have to say that the whole issue is mind boggling to me. Sometimes I think about it all and I just wish that I was the type of person who was content just getting a job and living a simple life. Sometimes I feel like my desire to design things and analyze everything is what holds me back. On one hand I love to attempt to design things and I am working on a few personal projects but the fact that I don't know that I will be successful sometimes palatalizes me. I have good idea's and then I realize that there really is nothing that special about what I am trying to do and then I get down and critique my self into not moving further. I wish that someone would tell me how to DESIGN my mental processes. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. maybe I need to just do what ever it is that I want to do and not worry about what will happen.

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