Saturday, November 7, 2009

The healthy "look"

I wonder if people realize how much our world depends on aesthetics. I found this photo online and began to wonder about the "look" of health. It seems as though certain things just look more healthy than other things. Lets start with a health club. If I go there and the building looks really crummy the machines are old and clunky it would probably be harder for me to open myself up to joining because I'm not getting the aesthetics that I want. Thats why I just workout at home. But if you go to another gym and the building looks really modern and the machines are all new machines with touchscreen interfaces and they offer the newest fad in exercise science then one may be more inclined to join. I feel that way about personal trainers also. I can't stand people who head fitness classes that are not in tiptop shape. What does all of this have to do with new media? Well I think that its worth exploring because the health industry is so huge. The health industry always needs new ways to market a product, place, or person. I wonder if the ancient yogi's understood that yoga 'looked' healthy. It has certainly become an immensely popular exercise. More so than that it is such a good way to market a mediated experience related to health. Doesn't that woman just look so healthy? And no one looks at that and wonders what they have to sacrifice to look like her. They just say what can I do in the next to weeks to look like that? As new media professionals it will be our jobs to help trick consumers into thinking that such a solution exist.

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