Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Neuro-signal Acquisition and Processing Wireless Neuroheadset

Amazing! The scientist at Emotiv (, a science laboratory founded in 2003 buy four award winning scientist have come up with a device that allows you to move things with your mind is finally hear. Well at least in virtual reality. With this device you can move things in a virtual reality setting such as a computer interface. It is said that this could be the next big was in human technology interaction. Although it is mainly being proposed as a way to manipulate virtual realities one can only imagine the possibilities. It would be a fairly smooth progression to move from this to a system were this is connected to a machine that could manipulate things in real life. Talk about interactivity. Its funny how things can advanced that they actually redefine the meaning of a word! What would interactivity mean when interactivity turns into a concept that means literally moving things with your mind and not using any sort of muscular activity! I wish there was some sort of way to try one of these things out. They are actually on the market and they are not as expensive as one would think. The device and license for the accompanying software can be bought directly off of the emotive website at

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