Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Talk about finding a needle in a stack full of needles! What took anybody so long to take the surface of a dry erase board and turn it to a paint that you can use on the surface of your choice?
Apparently the first to actually get it right were John Goscha, Jeff Avallon, and Morgan Newman in 2008. The actually idea was though of by John Goscha who was a freshman at Babson College. Goscha lived in a section of the campus dorms mainly occupied by students studying entreprenership. While looking around has dorm room walls(as well as the walls of most the other student in the entreprenuership wing), he noticed that him and his classmates had a tendency to cover their walls with paper in an effort to create a serface to scetch out business ideas. He thought to himself oneday," wouldnt it be cool if we could just paint the walls and write on them?" thus we have Ideapaint! It seems that the idea is taking off like wildfire and the company has developed the paint to include 10 colors. It can be used at work, home, and especially at school. I would like to think of the possibilities! I would like to see them concentrate on making some glow in the dark idea paint with some contrasting markers! Wat about formulating a type of paint surface that would even make it easy to erase any type of permanent marker or paint? That would be extremely useful in public places known for graffiti. I'm also interested in how something like idea paint can contribute to the world of new media.

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